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Criteria for RNAs can be found at: BLM Manual 1613 and 43 CFR 1610.7-2(b). ONAs are areas with high scenic values that have been little altered by human Criteria for ACECs can be found at: BLM Manual 1613 and 43 CFR 1610.7-2(b). RNAs are areas where natural processes are allowed to predominate and which is BLM Manual 8560. BLM . Recovery Plan for the Pacific Bald Eagle . 1986. BLM Manual Handbook BLM . 1613 - Areas of Critical Environmental Concern .BLM Guidance: Manual 1613: Areas of Critical Environmental Concern. 1613.02: Objectives: ACEC designations highlight areas where special management BLM Manual 1613, which provides direction for the designation and management of ACECs, states, “All areas which meet the relevance and importance criteria must Criteria for ACECs can be found at: BLM Manual 1613 and 43 CFR 1610.7-2(b). RNAs are areas where natural processes are allowed to predominate and which is To be eligible for designation as an ACEC, an area must meet the relevance and importance criteria described in 43 CFR 1610.7-2 and BLM Manual 1613,
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