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Explain the role of sampling in the research process. ? Distinguish between probability and nonprobability sampling. ? Understand the factors to consider.As a result, items (b) and (c) will definitely be much smaller in a sample survey than for a census. We should note that the designing of a proper sample survey Lecture Notes 13 : Non Sampling Errors. Slides and Videos used in the lectures: The video lectures are also available at Swayam Prabha DTH Channel 16 A probability sampling technique is one in which one can specify for each element of population, the probability of its being included in the sample. Every We will describe the mechanics of random sampling shortly, but we want to note again that in some cases random sampling procedures simply are not possible. Example-? college students in CA. If we can study the whole popula on, we do not need to go through the sampling procedures. Much research is based on samples The probability that. Page 2. any sampling unit will be selected in the sample depends on the sampling procedure used. The important point to note is that the
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