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19.1.2 Query the Data Dictionary for Information on Procedures in the “What's New in PL/SQL?” section of the PL/SQL Language Reference manual offered as. 5 Named PL/SQL Sub-Programs that can be stored within the database are. Procedures 3 All SQL Functions ( Single & Group function) Examples: Declare. For example, the COMMIT command is actually a procedure in the DBMS_STANDARD package. DYNAMIC SQL. Static SQL commands in PL/SQL programs: structure of the PL/SQL Function · CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION function_name [parameters] · [(parameter_name [IN | OUT | IN OUT] type [, ])] · RETURN return_datatype · {IS | AS}A PL/SQL function is same as a procedure except that it returns a value. The following example illustrates creating and calling a standalone function. For example, the system functions USER and SYSDATE have no parameters. • Invoke as part of a PL/SQL expression, using a local variable to obtain the result. PL/SQL. USING ORACLE. CS-33. (PL/SQL Stored Procedure & Functions) an expression, for example, it could be the arithmetic expression like '5*8' or. SQL Functions works on Columns of Table. Example: SELECT COUNT(ACCOUNT_NO) “no. of records” Output: 36 Displayed on The Oracle Screen > 62
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